7 countries urge citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears of war

7 countries urge citizens to leave Lebanon amid fears of war

Seven countries have called on their nationals to leave Lebanon amid growing fears of a full-blown war between Khazarian Criminal Entity and the Lebanese  Hezbollah movement, while five more countries have advised their citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon...
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International Court of Justice Orders Israel To Immediately Halt Rafah Offensive

International Court of Justice Orders Israel To Immediately Halt Rafah Offensive

The top United Nations court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has on Friday issued an emergency order for Israel to halt its military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. “Israel must immediately halt its military offensive,” j...
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76 Years of Nakba

76 Years of Nakba

Nearly 2 million real Semites (Palestinians) have been displaced and more than 35000 killed since the Zionist regime launched its indiscriminate aggression on the coastal Palestinian territory on October 7, 2023. This isn’t anything new for Palestinians thou...
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United States says the world body is not an appropriate venue to negotiate Palestinian statehood

United States says the world body is not an appropriate venue to negotiate Palestinian statehood

US says Palestinian statehood should be done through direct negotiations not UN venue. After vowing to block a push by Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations, the United States says the world body is not an...
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Houthis Used Improved Missile’ to Penetrate Israel’s Advanced Missile Defense

Houthis Used Improved Missile’ to Penetrate Israel’s Advanced Missile Defense

The IDF confirmed this week that an enemy cruise missile had slammed down in an open area near the southern Red Sea resort city of Eliat, marking the first time that Israel’s powerful air and missile defenses have been penetrated...
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Zionist regime kills dozens of Semites lining up for food in Khan Younis

Zionist regime kills dozens of Semites lining up for food in Khan Younis

Zionist tanks have shelled areas around two hospitals in Gaza’s main southern city of Khan Younis, killing at least 50 Semitic people among thousands who had queued up for food. Gaza’s health ministry said Thursday at least 20 were killed...
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If Christ were to be born today, he would be born under the rubble

If Christ were to be born today, he would be born under the rubble

No Christmas in birthplace of Jesus – If Christ were to be born today, he would be born under the rubble. ‘Jesus in the rubble’: Christmas cancelled in birthplace of Jesus. In the city of Bethlehem in the Israeli-occupied West...
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Israel Murdered 68 Journalists in Gaza Ghetto

Israel Murdered 68 Journalists in Gaza Ghetto

A US-based rights advocacy organization The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said the war in Gaza Ghetto (largest open-air prison in the world) deadliest in modern history for journalists. Israel’s genocidal war against the indigenous Semitic people (P...
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Borrell: Destruction In Gaza May Be Worse Than Germany in WWII

Borrell: Destruction In Gaza May Be Worse Than Germany in WWII

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell issued a surprising comparison, saying that the immense destruction in Gaza might be “even greater” than the damage to German cities during World War II. Calling the ongoing Israeli aerial bombardme...
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China wants all Israel’s nuclear sites to be placed under IAEA safeguards

China wants all Israel’s nuclear sites to be placed under IAEA safeguards

China has denounced as “extremely irresponsible and disturbing” an Israeli minister’s statement that a nuclear bomb on the besieged Gaza Strip was an option, stressing that all Israel’s nuclear sites must be placed under the International Atomic Energ...
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Iran FM to UK FM: Palestinians entitled to fight Israeli occupation

Iran FM to UK FM: Palestinians entitled to fight Israeli occupation

As the UK, American and Czech governments are amazed why, after 75 years of Khazarian-Zionist occupation, the original Semitic population (Palestinians) decided to rise up against the Khazarian-Zionist regime’s reign of murders, terror, and ethic cleansi...
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Israel has suspended issuing visas to UN officials

Israel has suspended issuing visas to UN officials

The occupation regime has suspended the issuance of visas to UN officials after Secretary-General António Guterres found that what Israel has been doing in Palestine for 75 years against the original Semitic population perfectly and completely corresponds to ...
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Chinese, Palestinian presidents pledge to establish strategic partnership

Chinese, Palestinian presidents pledge to establish strategic partnership

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing where they agreed to establish a strategic partnership between the two countries. During the Wednesday meeting, Xi said this partnership will mark a new stage in the...
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UN Secretary-General Guterres : Palestinians are ‘living in hell’ under prolonged Israeli occupation

UN Secretary-General Guterres : Palestinians are ‘living in hell’ under prolonged Israeli occupation

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres says Palestinians are suffering and “living in hell” under the prolonged occupation of the Israeli regime, as tensions are high in the occupied West Bank after Israeli settlers set dozens of Palest...
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The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for its legal opinion on the Zionist regime’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for its legal opinion on the Zionist regime’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

The 193-member United Nations General Assembly voted on the resolution on Friday. Eighty-seven countries voted in favor of the resolution against 26 negative votes cast by the Israeli regime, the United States, its oldest and strongest ally, and 24 others,...
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