Glyphosate Detected in Human Semen at 4x Higher Concentrations than in the Blood

Glyphosate Detected in Human Semen at 4x Higher Concentrations than in the Blood

Glyphosate was found in the semen of 60% of infertile men in a French study. Concentrations were four times higher in the semen than in the blood. French researchers have detected the herbicide glyphosate in human semen for the first...
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Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024

As we progress through the 21st century, the health of our planet emerges as a pressing concern. Earth Day, celebrated globally on April 22, provides a vital platform for raising awareness about environmental issues and advocating for sustainable practices. Th...
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Scientists report first look at electrons moving in real-time

Scientists report first look at electrons moving in real-time

  In an experiment akin to stop-motion photography, scientists have isolated the energetic movement of an electron while “freezing” the motion of the much larger atom it orbits in a sample of liquid water. The findings, reported in the journa...
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Science: Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease

Science: Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease

For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. However, this seemingly flawless reputation has been called into question. A new expert review...
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Science: Smoking Shrinks The Brain, And Quitting Doesn’t Restore Size

Science: Smoking Shrinks The Brain, And Quitting Doesn’t Restore Size

Smoking cigarettes shrinks the size of the brain, and stopping doesn’t reverse the damage, a new study shows. The findings help explain why smokers have a higher risk of developing age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. But there is good...
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Polaritons open up a new possibilities in the semiconductor tech

Polaritons open up a new possibilities in the semiconductor tech

At the nanoscale of today’s most cutting-edge semiconductors, a phonons don’t remove enough heat. That’s why Purdue University researchers are focused on opening a new nanoscale lane on the heat transfer highway by using hybrid quasiparticles...
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Furious Hypocrite Al Gore Blasts COP28 “On Verge Of Complete Failure”

Furious Hypocrite Al Gore Blasts COP28 “On Verge Of Complete Failure”

Former U.S. Vice President and top hypocrite Al Gore, who loves to fly a bizjet and who refused to come to the conference on a bicycle, said that “COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure.” “The world desperately needs...
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Cornell University Study: Exporting US Fracked Gas Is Far Worse for the Climate Than Coal

Cornell University Study: Exporting US Fracked Gas Is Far Worse for the Climate Than Coal

If all proposed export terminals are built, the climate-warming emissions would be equivalent to 532 coal plants. Fed by a glut of methane produced in the vast fracking fields of Texas and other states, the U.S. fossil fuel industry has...
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Iran to put satellite constellation into orbit in 2 years

Iran to put satellite constellation into orbit in 2 years

Iran’s first satellite system project named after top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani will be put into orbit within the next two years, according to the head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA). Hossein Salariyeh today that his agency...
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The Role Of Spike Protein In Myocarditis And Blood Clotting

The Role Of Spike Protein In Myocarditis And Blood Clotting

Spike Protein Found in COVID-19-Vaccinated Myocarditis Patients Studies of COVID-19-vaccinated patients diagnosed with myocarditis found spike protein in the patients’ blood and heart muscles but not in those without myocarditis. Found in Blood The full-leng...
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Pfizer Own Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful ‘Modified’ RNA, Not mRNA

Pfizer Own Documents Show COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Potentially Harmful ‘Modified’ RNA, Not mRNA

According to Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine label in the FDA’s Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers, each Pfizer vaccine dose for children ages 5 through 11 contains 10 micrograms (mcg) of modRNA, while fully-approved Comirnaty authorized for use in...
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New Type Of Solar Cell Creates Hydrogen, Oxygen And Heat

New Type Of Solar Cell Creates Hydrogen, Oxygen And Heat

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) researchers have built a pilot-scale solar reactor that produces usable heat and oxygen, in addition to generating hydrogen with unprecedented efficiency for its size. Hydrogen production from water using solar...
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A Toroidal Model of the Proton and Electron

A Toroidal Model of the Proton and Electron

Recently a new paper was published by Giorgio Vassallo and Andras Kovacs titled “The Proton and Occam’s Razor” in which the authors present a new model of the proton. They propose the proton as in terms of geometric and electromagnetic...
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It would take 1.75 Earths to meet the needs of the world’s population in 2022

It would take 1.75 Earths to meet the needs of the world’s population in 2022

According to calculations by the NGO Global Footprint Network, as of August 2, 2023, humanity will have already consumed all the resources the planet can replenish in one year. Earth Overshoot Day arriving earlier and earlier, moving from as late as December...
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Science: Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease 10 Years Earlier

Science: Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease 10 Years Earlier

A new study conducted by Swedish scientists could open the path for easier and earlier screening for Alzheimer’s disease, with the possibility of detecting the incurable neurodegenerative disease up to a decade in advance. arly detection of Alzheimer’s dis...
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