Risk Warning: Increased Risk of Decline in Capital Markets

Chart: S&P 500 Index, 10 years

As has been my standard since September 1998, I publicly warn in advance of the increased risk of a decline in capital markets.

And now this situation has come again.

What are the current reasons?

1. Stocks in general are now overvalued.
2. Valuation of shares not corresponding to what is to come.
3. More and more companies and entire countries are avoiding the United States as an increasingly dangerous country.
4. The planned introduction of a revolutionary new zero-emission technology in October will come as a major shock to several industries and many companies. Update: The manufacturer decided to conduct another round of 5 Sigma tests, therefore the launch of the new technology is postponed until next year.
I publicly and in advance pointed out the crashes of the capital markets in 1998, dot.com mania 2000, MBS scam 2008, pre-COVID 2020 and hype 2022. And simply now that time has come again.