Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally announces run for president

The Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally announced his candidacy at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. He was introduced by two-time former Democratic presidential candidate, Dennis Kucinich.

“I am not an ideal presidential candidate,” Kennedy told the crowd. “I’m not one of these people who said I have to be careful because one day I’m going to be in the White House.”

“My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy, a nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the son of his slain brother Robert F. Kennedy, was once known most as an environmental lawyer who worked on issues such as clean water.

Kennedy has also publicly expressed anti-war views in recent days, putting him at risk of ending up like other members of his extended family, or at least several thousand Sayanim (Khazarian auxiliary agents) performing a standard “character killing” on him.

Note: About 200,000 Saynim are divided into groups according to their civilian profession. Several hundred unpaid Sayanim in a given location are controlled by one Katsa (fully paid field spy operative officer).

He also understood the insufficient testing of vaccines and their dangers, which is why he publicly spoke out against mandatory vaccination. For this he earned the hatred of the Khazarian Criminal Syndicate.

Kennedy is handicapped by his dysphonia and dyslexia, which in a country where half of the electoral votes are held by women, represents a major disadvantage.

It is common knowledge that women have a strong tendency to vote for political figures who spend more time grooming their beards than important issues, and women also vote for honey-voiced candidates, regardless of whether they tell the most absurd lies.

In short: A theater comedian has a better chance of being elected than a candidate with serious, important issues to deal with. Thanks to women who make decisions with emotions. Adorers of Molek and Adorers of Baphomet are well aware of these statistical and sociological studies, which is why our democracies look the way they do.